Friday, July 29, 2011


Well, I wish I had something huge and eventful to report today, but it was just a day that was only magical because I got to live it.  It probably won't sound magical to anyone else but this place has a way of making everything sort of amazing.  I love the kinship that I have started to build with many of the people here.  I'm really glad that people like me and are nice to me.  It's the best.  Today during the day we had a little scavenger hunt with the kids during school and it was really fun.  I was a little bit sad because it was really hard for me to get one of my boys motivated and excited about it but it was fun nonetheless.  And I also got to spend some quality time with one of my favorite little girls named Kaviya.  She's the sweetest.  I take it as a huge compliment that she likes me so much because she seems to be so shy and not really connect with many of the other volunteers but we have a special bond.  I never imagined I could love these kids as much as I do.  I'll never be able to explain it.  I was spending some time with another one of my favorite little girls named Mariambi while she did her homework tonight and I was just watching her and thinking of her life and all that these little girls have been through and go through every day.  They don't live with their parents, if they have parents at all.  They study their little hearts out.  They are so dedicated to everything they do.  And they just seem to have so many stories to tell and wisdom to share whether they know it or not.  One of the house mothers or caretakers of the kids saw me just sort of spaced out thinking about it and she asked me if I was happy.  I said of course I'm happy! I'm happy to be with you!  And I asked her if she was happy.  She explained that she loves being here with the girls but her parents have just arranged for her to be married to her cousin and she is so so sad about it.  She is so sweet and so cheerful and she really loves these girls and it was so hard to see her sad.  But the good news is that there seems to be nothing that could stop this amazing Sarahswati from finding a way to be happy somehow.  I love that attitude that was about her.  I have so much to learn from her.  Then she did henna for me.  :)  These are the pictures I've got of her that I think capture her incredible spirit.  Jai Ho.  

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